Saturday 1 July 2017

Microgreens! Days Six and Seven

I'm going to put together a post on what I've learned in my first week of microgreen growing, but before that, a quick progress report.

If you'd rather start from the beginning, click here.

'Mini' trays of pea shoots sown two days ago look like this:

I covered these with another tray, but didn't weigh them down.  The larger trays also planted on day five now look like this:

More or less the same level of growth, although the trays not weighed down have now more or less evened out with the growth rate of the trays weighed down.  Perhaps it's too early to say whether or not this makes a difference to the final result.  For good measure, I have now weighed down all four large pea shoot trays, leaving the unweighted mini trays as they are.

I also noticed they have been attracting a fair few flies (perhaps strays from the wormery, where they sometimes congregate.  To deter them I've covered the main pea trays with a layer of fleece cloth material, that will still allow moisture in (and out) as the seedlings grow.  I've done the same for the mung beans, which are looking like this today:

Finally, I thought I might give some more companion planting a try, and sowed some of the excess pea sprouts between the lettuces my Dad gave me the other day.

And a few more between two healthy looking butternut squash shoots:

The idea of a 'microgreen garden' is very appealing - using them to nurture other plants that are in the soil for the long haul.
A few actual shoots around the edge of the bean cage, too.

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